Fifty2 Sundays ~ Listening for God
Now days it is a thing to talk about disruption in fields of
business and technology as something that upsets the usual way of operating; as defined “A disruption is a major disturbance, something that
changes your plans or interrupts some event or process” (dictionary). The sermon I
heard last Sunday provided a bit of a disruption to my thinking. The lesson was
taken from Luke 16:1-9, the story of
the shrewd manager who is called upon by the rich man (aka ‘God’) to
give an account of how he has managed his boss's possessions. The manager recognizes that he is at risk of losing his job and quickly has those
who are in debt to the rich man alter what they owe him which brings him the praise for being shrewd. On initial examination it appears as if deceitful behavior is recognized as being the right way to do business. The preacher was quick to say that this text is not condoning lying, cheating or the use of trickery.
Jesus said the
people of this world are “more shrewd with dealing with their own kind than are
the people of the light” (verse 8). The implication of this statement is that as ‘people
of the light’ we should be the shrewdest of all in how we conduct ourselves and interact with the world. According to the preacher, the word shrewd in Hebrew means “intense creative
thinking”. It is the sort of thinking necessary when options are few, needs are
significant and a solution is urgently required. The preacher
described the manager’s behavior as creating “positive networking to
promote gratitude”, or to my way of thinking, he was ‘paying it
forward’- because as the scripture notes, the manager wanted to be welcomed into
people’s houses if and when he lost his job (verse 4).
In striving to become fully
mature in Christ (Colossians 1:28) we are to “turn the other cheek” (Luke 6:29), be clothed “with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and
patience” (Colossians 3:12), and “walk
in the way of love, just as Christ loved us...” (Ephesians 5:2). On top of that, we should be "…sheep among wolves… and… “shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves” (Matthew 10:16). In doing these things we will be disruptors of the norm much as Jesus was and still is.